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Man on Wire

FANHALL ID: if00939
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片名: Man on Wire
其它片名: 走钢索的人/走钢丝的人
导演: James Marsh
制片人: Simon Chinn
摄影: Igor Martinovic
剪辑: Jinx Godfrey
音乐: J. Ralph
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 英国/美国
语言: 英语/法语

影片概述 . . . . . .

通过素材和采访,记录了Philippe Petit,一个法国高空走钢索的人在1974年横跨世贸双子星大厦的经历。那次经历被成为“20世纪的艺术犯罪”(The artistic crime of the century)。

On August 7, 1974, Philippe Petit, a French wire walker, juggler, and street performer days shy of his 25th birthday, spent 45 minutes walking, dancing, kneeling, and lying on a wire he and friends strung between the rooftops of the Twin Towers. Uses contemporary interviews, archival footage, and recreations to tell the story of his previous walks between towers of Notre Dame and of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, his passions and friendships, and the details of the night before the walk: getting cable into the towers, hiding from guards, and mounting the wire. It ends with observations of the profound changes the walk's success brought to Philippe and those closest to him.

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