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Tout le monde il en a deux

FANHALL ID: if06065
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片名: Tout le monde il en a deux
其它片名: 飞向我
导演: 让·洛林 Jean Rollin
编剧: Nathalie Perrey, 让·洛林 Jean Rollin , Lionel Wallmann
摄影: Claude Bécognée
音乐: Rex Hilton
片长: 分钟
年份: 1974年

影片概述 . . . . . .

Valerie, a beautiful young girl, watches over her cousin's place while he is away for six months. Not one to take advantage of her new "digs", she spends her first night there reading, playing records and. calling her girlfriend Sophie over for some hot lesbian sex! Later that night, members of a crazed sex cult break in and mistakenly kidnap Sophie. It seems Valerie's cousin, a member of this cult, has some incriminating photos and the leader wants to ruin his life. Realizing the mistake, the cult leader sends over a sultry French maid to seduce and kidnap Valerie (only AFTER some steamy sex, of course). Once the kidnapping plot is uncovered, Valerie and Sophie's horny friend Fred head over to the cult's mansion stronghold to put a stop to all this madness! 

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拍了40年桃色僵尸烂片,至今安在,是不是一种奇迹?! [展开/收起]
murmur   2010-12-10 14:08:10   1回应
影片介绍完全失真。 实则:一个美丽的女人帮表兄照看房子,寂寞难耐约来闺蜜厮混。黑白双煞误将闺蜜当表妹劫走,原来表哥的身份是一个混入邪淫组织...

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评分: 7分 年月:2010.12

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