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Memory for Max, Claire, Ida and Company

FANHALL ID: if05970
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片名: Memory for Max, Claire, Ida and Company
其它片名: 所有老年人的记忆
导演: Allan King
制片人: Kathy Avrich-Johnson
摄影: Peter Walker
声音: Michael Bonini
剪辑: Nick Hector  
主演: Sherry Mandell, Claire Mandell, Sonny Max Glickman
音乐: Robert Carli
片长: 分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 纪录
国别: 加拿大
语言: 英语
制作机构: Allan King Associates

影片概述 . . . . . .

At Baycrest, an old-age home in Toronto, we follow a social worker as she talks to residents, particularly Max, Claire, Ida, and Rachel. The film opens on Claire's birthday, she's 89; Max, a tiny cheerful man, is her close friend. Rachel is lonesome, missing her son, complaining he rarely visits. Ida relies on memory for her solace. Helen has no memory and doesn't recognize her daughter; her moods swing. Murray keeps his cap on and likes women. Staff members bring medication, provide care, and offer small talk. Memory is fleeting: Claire re-experiences the death of a close companion several times, each time without remembering her previous grieving. Lives are circumscribed.  

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