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FANHALL ID: if05869
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片名: 我年轻时也打老虎
其它片名: 我年轻时也打老虎/I Beat Tiger When I Was Young
导演: 薛鉴羌
摄影: 薛鉴羌, 张赞波
剪辑: 薛鉴羌
主演: 季丹, 朱日坤, 徐童, 吴文光, 张赞波
片长: 73分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 纪录
国别: 中国
语言: 中文

影片概述 . . . . . .

an middle aged person(the writer) like to say being with youth.
but infact he doesnt want to camera to youth, he thought: I would beat you if you come again.
when people's chatting, camera is just a toy for fun, more for record memory, he ask people to take off pains of course just a joke, only he was anger he would criticize others, or being peacefully.he said frankly: I want to beat tiger when I was young.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


1shooters know the cruet strenth of camera, only through being shooted.
so to shooters, being shooted is their first lesson.
2illusion in every where, art is that kind of illusion.
when we understood a principle that praise kids is better than critisize them for improving. we were getting old, we abuse this .
you hide in middle age friends, praise to each other and illusion come into being. so why should say we are living in illusion.
illusion of time of reward, time of speech, applaud, having sex, anger, tension, untrue criticize, fame, honor, fortune,we are in it, why cant say you are in it too.let me take you to a place, to see whether you lose your illusion or not, or you are just boring person
3no scripture before shooting.

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