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Иван Грозный

FANHALL ID: if05180
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片名: Иван Грозный
其它片名: 伊凡雷帝/Ivan the Terrible, Part One
导演: Sergei M. Eisenstein
编剧: Sergei M. Eisenstein
制片人: Sergei M. Eisenstein
摄影: Andrei Moskvin 
美术: Sergei M. Eisenstein  
声音: Vladimir Bogdankevich
剪辑: Sergei M. Eisenstein
主演: Nikolai Cherkasov, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya
音乐: Sergei Prokofiev  
片长: 103分钟
年份: 1944年
类型: 剧情
国别: 苏联
语言: 俄语
格式: 1.37 : 1
制作机构: Mosfilm

影片概述 . . . . . .

Despite spending his career under an increasingly restrictive regime which regarded cinema as a tool to propagate the government line and needed only the slightest excuse to censor or ban pictures, Sergei Eisenstein always had his own ideas and agendas which shone through the propaganda. Ivan the Terrible was commissioned by the Soviet government to glorify a dead dictator, with whom the living dictator (Stalin) identified, but in Eisenstein's hands it became much more than that – one of the greatest studies of power in the history of cinema.

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