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Thriller in Manila

FANHALL ID: if00507
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片名: Thriller in Manila
其它片名: 拳王在马尼拉/马尼拉的兴奋/惊悚马尼拉
导演: John Dower
制片人: John Dower
摄影: Stephen Standen
剪辑: Nicholas Packer, Kate Spankie
音乐: Ben Bartlett
片长: 91分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 英国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Darlow Smithson Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .

Joe Frazier和阿里有过三次交锋,第一次交锋被成为“世纪之战”。但是1975年10月1日的那场交锋,也是他们的最后一次交锋,才是拳击史上最为惨烈的一场。到最后一轮的时候,两个人都处在了崩溃的边缘,这是一场意志力的较量。他们之间的这场较量,完美阐释了拳击运动的迷人之处和这项运动的问题所在,这不再是一场金腰带的争夺,这是一场战争。
影片通过大量的素材以及对Joe Frazier、当年的教练助手们、记者等的采访,重现了当年这场拳王大战的历史。

Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali fought three times. Their first encounter aroused such anticipation it was dubbed the ""fight of the century"" before either boxer entered the ring. But it was their third and final confrontation on October 1, 1975, in the Philippines, that cemented their rivalry as one of history's greatest. By the late rounds, the fight had become “a contest of pure will” with both men on the verge of collapse. That moment—when a fight becomes more important than life and death—explains both the romance and the sickness of the sport. It wasn’t a fight for a belt; it was a war. What’s remarkable about Thriller in Manila is how dramatically it conveys both the depths of this rivalry as well as the complex racial politics of the time. Using extensive archival footage and interviews (from cornermen in both camps, biographers, journalists, and Frazier himself), director John Dower tells the story from Frazier’s point of view, clearly finding in him not only an unsung hero but a counterpoint to Ali’s mystique.

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