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Los Amores de Kafka

FANHALL ID: if04938
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片名: Los Amores de Kafka
其它片名: 卡夫卡的爱情/The Loves of Kafka
导演: Beda Docampo Feijóo
编剧: Beda Docampo Feijóo
制片人: Ricardo Freixa
摄影: Frantisek Uldrich
声音: José Luis Díaz
剪辑: Luis César D'Angiolillo
主演: Susú Pecoraro, Jorge Marrale
片长: 103分钟
年份: 1988年
类型: 剧情
国别: 阿根廷 / 捷克斯洛伐克
语言: spanish / Czech
制作机构: Jorge Estrada Mora Producciones

影片概述 . . . . . .

Love of great literature is one of the outstanding features of South American culture. This Argentine drama, mixes imagination and "reality" and includes a film-within-a-film story about making a film about Kafka. The writer Franz Kafka (1883-1924) was born to a German Jewish family in Czechoslovakia. In an uncanny way which prefigured the Holocaust, Kafka wrote about absurd, terrifying situations taking place in a nihilistic universe in which almost everyone can be considered a victim. The movie explores his romantic and intellectual life before he died at age 41 of tuberculosis. Sigmund Freud, whom Kafka never actually met, makes an appearance in the story. The film-within-a-film has an Argentine movie director travel to Prague to try and produce a film there about Kafka's loves, only to discover that the studio there is busy filming Amadeus. Though these elements are confusing to read about, some reviewers felt that the director somehow made a coherent and enjoyable film out of them.  

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