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FANHALL ID: if00450
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片名: Amreeka
其它片名: 美利坚
导演: Cherien Dabis
编剧: Cherien Dabis
制片人: Christina Piovesan, Paul Barkin
摄影: Tobias Datum
剪辑: Keith Reamer
主演: Nisreen Faour, Melkar Muallem, Hiam Abbass, Alia Shawkat
音乐: Kareem Roustom
片长: 96分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 剧情片
国别: 美国/加拿大/科威特
语言: 英语/科威特语
制作机构: First Generation Films

影片概述 . . . . . .


Director Cherien Dabis’s auspicious debut feature, Amreeka, is a warm and lighthearted film about one Palestinian family’s tumultuous journey into Diaspora amidst the cultural fallout of America’s war in Iraq. Muna Farah, a Palestinian single mom, struggles to maintain her optimistic spirit in the daily grind of intimidating West Bank checkpoints, the constant nagging of a controlling mother, and the haunting shadows of a failed marriage. Everything changes one day when she receives a letter informing her that her family has been granted a U.S. green card. Reluctant to leave her homeland, but realizing it may be the only way to secure a future for Fadi, her teenage son, Muna decides to quit her job at the bank and visit her relatives in Illinois to see about a new life in a land that gives newcomers a run for their money.Dabis weaves an abundance of humor and levity into this tale of struggle, displacement, and nostalgia and draws an absorbing and irresistibly charming performance from actress Nisreen Faour as Muna, who stands at the heart of this tale. Amreeka glows with the truth and magic of everyday life and signals the arrival of an exciting, new directorial talent.

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