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FANHALL ID: if00383
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片名: 彼岸
其它片名: /Faramita
导演: 宋松
片长: 17分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 试验片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

通过对一些我们熟悉的场景进行移动拍摄,然后慢速播放和打破常规剪辑的方式,呈现出一个我们似曾相识却又感到陌生的世界。影片从宁静的湖水开始,到片尾波涛汹涌的大海,它们之间的对照,便是作者对“彼岸”这一标题的阐述。 这种阐述又是模糊的包容的,让不同的观众可以从体会到不同的感悟。

I shot some secenes most of which are familiar to everyone in china with fluid camera on dolly.Then in editing I changed the shots’ speed to very slow,and connected them look like a single shot move horizontally,so as to show a world that we look familiar but in fact is strange. The beginning of the film is a calm lake,and the end of the film is a heavy sea,the contrast make some meanings as explain to the title “Faramita”.The concept of the work is ambiguous and broad,I hope the audiences can get different feelings…

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