Somos lo que hay
片名: | Somos lo que hay |
其它片名: | 尘归尘,土归土/We Are What We Are |
导演: | Jorge Michel Grau |
编剧: | Jorge Michel Grau |
制片人: | Nicolás Celis |
摄影: | Santiago Sanchez |
美术: | Gabriel Tapia |
声音: | Axel Muñoz |
剪辑: | Rodrigo Ríos |
主演: | Adrián Aguirre, Miriam Balderas |
音乐: | Enrico Chapela |
片长: | 90分钟 |
年份: | 2010年 |
类型: | 剧情 |
国别: | 墨西哥 |
语言: | 西班牙语 |
格式: | |
制作机构: | Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC) |
影片概述 . . . . . .
A middle-aged man dies in the street, leaving his widow and three sons destitute. The devastated family is confronted not only with his loss but with a terrible challenge - how to survive. For they are cannibals. They have always existed on a diet of human flesh consumed in bloody ritual ceremonies... and the victims have always been provided by the father. Now that he is gone, who will hunt? Who will lead them? How will they slaken their horrific hunger? The task falls to the eldest son, Alfredo, a teenage misfit who seems far from ready to accept the challenge...
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