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The Player

FANHALL ID: if03638
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片名: The Player
其它片名: 大玩家
导演: John Appel
片长: 80分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 荷兰

影片概述 . . . . . .

Using his own father's gambling addiction as a springboard, director John Appel seeks out the true nature of people who cannot live without "playing."

As this film makes clear, its director John Appel has a deeply rooted interest in gambling. His father was an ardent horserace player, which caused problems in the family to say the least. Shortly before he died, Appel's father wrote him a letter while he was still at school. This letter serves as Appel's point of departure for an investigation into the causes of his father's destructive gambling mania, which he blends in the film with the stories of several other men, alter egos of his father. Interestingly, it is almost exclusively men who suffer from this dependence on gambling. Using family photos and films, Appel relates anecdotes to characterize his father and shed light on the events that led to his downfall. In between, we visit the horse races, where we meet an extremely good-humored bookie named Harry. Another Harry is a compulsive liar and gambling addict who is in jail for the umpteenth time. Even there, he cannot resist being deceptive. And we see a poker player who makes his tragic way from a Spartan hotel room to the casino each day. In Appel's psychological portrait of his father, it gradually emerges just what drives the gamblers and why their addiction is so difficult to put a stop to.这是一部关于赌博与输赢的电影,源于导演本人关于他父亲的点滴回忆。童年时天真烂漫的游戏演如何变成长大后的生死冒险赌博成瘾?

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

Best Dutch Documentary at IDFA 2009阿姆斯特丹纪录片电影节最佳荷兰纪录片(2009)
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