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FANHALL ID: if03636
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片名: Stranded
其它片名: 进退两难
导演: Gonzalo Arijon
片长: 130分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 法国
语言: 法语

影片概述 . . . . . .

The Uruguayan survivors of a plane crash in the Andes, who kept themselves alive for ten weeks look back on their experiences.

The incredible survival story of the Uruguayan rugby team that survived a plane crash in 1972 and managed to stay alive for more than ten weeks on a 4000 metre high glacier in the Andes 35 years later, is as spectacular as ever. Not in the least because they were forced to eat human flesh. Director Gonzalo Arijon, an old friend of the survivors, first uses dramatised scenes to reconstruct that particular day when the elated boys boarded the plane and not much later encountered a heavy storm and crashed into a mountain ridge. Arijon takes the survivors (of the original 45 passengers, sixteen men came home alive) and their children to the crash site. Sitting in this Valley of Tears, the men (not a single woman survived the accident) explain how they made it through the endless weeks on the secluded glacier with nothing more than cigarettes, a radio and the shelter of the wreckage. One by one, the details unfold, showing how and when they decided to cut into a killed travelling companion. "I decided I wanted to live." The interviews are illustrated with recovered photographs and footage of the tumultuous press conference upon their return to civilisation.本片讲述的是1972年轰动世界的安第斯空难事件中幸存者的故事。

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获得奖项 . . . . . .

Joris Ivens Award at IDFA(2007)
DGA Award Nomination at Directors Guild of America(2009)
Best Documentary Award Nomination at European Film Awards(2008)
Grand Jury Prize Nomination at Sundance Film Festival(2008)阿姆斯特丹纪录片电影节"尤里斯•伊文思"奖(2007)
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