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FANHALL ID: if03594
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片名: 美国:一本笔记的三章
其它片名: 美国:一本笔记的三章
导演: Mika Johnson
编剧: Mika Johnson, Honey Lapcharoen
制片人: Arcanum Productions
摄影: Mika Johnson
美术: Kaori Mitsushima
声音: Jacob Coburn
剪辑: Mika Johnson
主演: Kaori Mitsushima
音乐: Colleen, Maya Coleman, Graham Akeson, Maya Coleman, Graham Akeson
片长: 7分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 预告片
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Arcanum Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .

作为一部运用了闪回、梦境和存在主义幽默等手法的超现实电影,“美国:一本笔记的三章”通过日本女孩Kat横穿美国寻找失踪已久的父亲的经历,大胆地质疑了传统和现代两种思想对美国历史以及文化层面上的身份的看法。但当Kat和一个叫Jack的流浪汉结伴发掘美国历史中的神秘元素,奇怪的事物–尤其是一个神圣的水壶–开始发生在他们身上。很快他们发现自己站在了决定这个国家命运的交叉口上,向 左走是灵魂的觉醒,而右边是末日的召唤。

导演阐述 . . . . . .

AMERIKA: a notebook in three parts is a feature film, in development, that I wrote while living abroad, in Germany and the Czech Republic. In it we see America from an outsider's perspective, specifically through the eyes of a Japanese woman named Kat. We are seeking people from the international community to help us make this film, which we hope will spark an international dialogue about America, in many different languages, and from many different perspectives.

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幕后花絮 . . . . . . (上传花絮) (展开所有)

In January, 2010, I set out with six Oberlin College students, one Cinema Studies staff member, and my wife, Kaori Mitsushima, to shoot select scenes from AMERIKA: a notebook in three parts, a feature film in development. Working for three weeks, on a budget of less than $6,000, we completed 25 minutes of test footage with equipment lent by Oberlin College and various donations of food, housing, transportation, and a handful of costumes and props. Three actors traveled from New York City while the rest were local.

By May, over ten more students and another college staff member joined our team to translate texts, make subtitles, design sound, and create music, for what became the two promotional trailers on this site.

While the footage we shot will not appear in the final film, it was an invaluable experience that allowed us to adhere to a Green, community-based ethos that echoed the film’s main theme of an environmental awakening followed by a cultural rebirth. Without the talents of our dedicated student crew and the openness of our greater community, who lent us cars, props, opened their homes and businesses, and volunteered their time, this experiment would not have been possible.
——2010-05-15 06:40:16,woody8858上传

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