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FANHALL ID: if03578
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片名: 十二星座
其它片名: /The Twelve Signs
导演: 马天利
制片人: 马天利
摄影: 马天利
声音: 马天利
剪辑: 马天利
片长: 135分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 纪录片
语言: 普通话及部分方言
格式: HDV 60i

影片概述 . . . . . .

These who were born in 1980s are the strangers that I chose randomly to fit in the 12 horoscopes. They are six males and six females.
They come from different places of China, but they do have some connections with Beijing.
I did not make any preparations for the film and I shot and interviewed each person for one hour. It was also my first time to meet them.
They are 12 light points, 12 appearances, 12 the moments.
They are twelve star signs

导演阐述 . . . . . .


  This is my first full-length documentary.
The Twelve Signs only focus on appearance, beneath it, we can see the flow of reality from time to time. The documentary may be taken as a sketch or fixed frame of the 80s’ generation in cities of current China.

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以下3人看过 . . . . . . ( 更多 ) ( 我也看过 )

鬼叔中中国纪录片交流周 看过
评分: 未评分 年月:2010.05
赵傻傻草场地 看过
评分: 3分 年月:2010.05
孤岛中国纪录片交流周 看过
评分: 6分 年月:2010.05
评注: 粗糙的速写,行为艺术的定格

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