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FANHALL ID: if03577
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片名: 柜族
其它片名: /Chinese Closet
导演: 范坡坡
制片人: 郑凯贵
摄影: 范坡坡
声音: 范坡坡
剪辑: 范坡坡
片长: 86分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话英文
格式: DVSP
制作机构: 中国酷儿独立影像小组

影片概述 . . . . . .

A large majority of homosexuals in mainland China remain in the closet. Most of these closet doors are kept tightly shut by pressure from friends, family, and society itself. This documentary hopes to explore the experience of coming out in China through a series of interviews with out homosexuals. The interviews touch upon the discrimination, suppression, and even violence they have endured as well as the touching moments where they experienced compassion and understanding. The documentary also covers gay rights activist and proud mother of a homosexual, Wu Youjian, who stands strongly by her son and other gay men in full support.
Out is the new in! Will you come out today?

导演阐述 . . . . . .

For most homosexuals living in China, coming out of the closet is not a simple matter. Families place great pressure on sons to carry on their family name. Breaking this strong rooted, traditional concept of marrying and producing an heir is one of the hardest tests for homosexuals in China. 
I would like to share with you the joys and sorrows of the many out homosexuals that I recorded during the China Queer Film Festival Tour. 
Coincidently, during the filming of this documentary, I too came out to my family. While I believe this to be a necessary step in my life, it was still a soul stirring experience, and one that allowed me to more realistically capture the heroes and their own coming out stories in this film.

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评分: 未评分 年月:2010.05
孤岛中国纪录片交流周 看过
评分: 8分 年月:2010.05
评注: 说句最俗的,同志亦凡人

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