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FANHALL ID: if03575
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片名: 寻找袁学宇
其它片名: /Finding Xueyu Yuan
导演: 钭江明, 王英杰
制片人: 钭江明
摄影: 钭江明, 王英杰, 袁成
剪辑: 王英杰
片长: 110分钟
年份: 2010年
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

袁成的儿子袁学宇2007年春在郑州失踪,同年山西黑砖窑事件再次出现,有线索表明袁学宇被拐卖到黑窑厂,袁成与其他丢失孩子的家长开始踏上寻子之路。 Xueyu Yuan, the son of Cheng Yuan, disappeared in Zhengzhou in the spring of 2007. In the same year, illegal brick kiln affair happened again, and some clues showed that Xueyu Yuan got trafficked to the illegal brick klin, thus Cheng Yuan started the trip of looking for son with other parents who lost their kid as well.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


The more i've got involved in this issue, the weaker i felt to face it. Cheng Yuan and other parents' strong willing makes the little faith alive. Standing on this part of the earth, sighs seem so pale, I need to figure out if my heart is still beating by putting my hand on the chest. Cheng Yuan is still looking for his "hope", and the hope is what we are all looking for.

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