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FANHALL ID: if03570
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片名: 秘密人
其它片名: /Triumph of the Will/秘密人:今日我下机关,明日我上天曹
导演: 毛晨雨
制片人: 韩蕾, 向华
摄影: 毛晨雨
剪辑: 毛晨雨
片长: 143分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 贵州方言
格式: HDV
制作机构: 第二文本实验室 Second Text Laboratory,, 纪录片编辑室Documentary

影片概述 . . . . . .

"Triumph of the Will" is paddyfilm first of "free Man" series, I found the "self" regional and ethnical identity of himself.The film is my understanding of the Nuo Opera of Tujia ethnic group in Guizhou. When I find the master of one's self in a human.I found the Sorcerer is the "self" special race,They regulated the area of divine freedom, enjoy the "human" privilege ——if I will "modern man" suppose that a modern non-human things.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

If secret man who is the result of secret will,the film will then be regarded as author product.I always think of my film to adhere to a duty,to escape from the general,to preserve the lives of the underlying.My passion,must grasp some sense of real abstract.My intense feelings:Road on the way in time,Why do people live?

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