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Fish Tank

FANHALL ID: if03558
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片名: Fish Tank
其它片名: 鱼缸/90后突围少女
导演: Andrea Arnold
编剧: Andrea Arnold
制片人: Kees Kasander
摄影: Robbie Ryan
美术: Christopher Wyatt
剪辑: Nicolas Chaudeurge
主演: Katie Jarvis, Rebecca Griffiths, Carrie-Ann Savill, Charlotte Collins
音乐: Alison Butters, Liz Gallacher
片长: 123分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 剧情
国别: 英国
语言: 英语
格式: 35
制作机构: BBC Films

影片概述 . . . . . .

2009 has seen the release of two excellent European films addressing the subject of adolescence. Sweden's 'Let The Right One In' explored childhood relationships against the backdrop of vampirism and despite having its roots entrenched in horror it was ultimately a beautiful drama about two lost souls who find each other.

'Fish Tank' is much more focused on real-life modern day Britain, as 15 year-old Mia Willams (brilliantly played by newcomer Katie Jarvis) fights a losing battle against life. Mia hates her family, her fellow teenagers and her environment and is in turn hated. She is alienated, disillusioned and angry at life. When asked by her mother's boyfriend Connor what her favourite animal is, she quickly replies 'a white tiger' - an animal which, when caged, perfectly captures the repression and frustration that overwhelms Mia every day.

Desperate for an escape, she ultimately falls for Connor, the only adult who treats her with any degree of respect, and begins trying to claw her way out of her current lifestyle, the ending of the film seemingly positive but essentially ambiguous about whether the grass is ever greener. Like 'Kes' with a female protagonist, Fish Tank is one of the most powerful films that I have ever seen. The interaction between characters is at once convincing and the plot a million miles away from typical Hollywood cliché.15岁的米娅(凯蒂·贾维斯 Katie Jarvis 饰)性格叛逆而古怪,惹事生非的她不仅被学校开除而且连她最好的朋友都离她而去。米娅热爱跳舞,然而身边却似乎并没有多少人在意她那充满热情的舞步,直到一个叫康纳(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)的男人出现。康纳是母亲的男朋友,在他与母亲同居的日子里,米娅被这个英俊而又友善的男人所吸引。在康纳的支持和鼓励下,米娅得到了一次舞蹈面试的机会,而且与康纳的关系也更进了一步。然而,现实世界并非想像的那样的美好……
  本片由在2006年凭借《红色之路》获得戛纳电影节评委会奖的英国新锐女导演安德里亚·阿诺德(Andrea Arnold)执导,是她的第二部电影长片。作为2009年戛纳电影节竞赛影片,《鱼缸》在2009年英国独立电影节获得8项提名。

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