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Echoes of Home

FANHALL ID: if03549
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片名: Echoes of Home
其它片名: 阿尔卑斯山谷回音
导演: Stefan Schwietert
摄影: Pio Corradi
美术: André Pinkus
声音: Dieter Meyer
剪辑: Stephan Krumbiegel
主演: Erika Stucky, Noldi Alder, Christian Zehnder
音乐: Erika Stucky, Noldi Alder, Christian Zehnder
片长: 80分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 瑞士
格式: 35mm

影片概述 . . . . . .

欢呼的声音,歌者的声音,电影的最原始的工具:来自人类的声音。来自瑞士和奥地利阿尔卑斯山的自各行各业的人们,他们对人类声音的旋律热情满溢,情有独钟。Of cheering sounds and other singings, a film about that most primal of instruments: the human voice. About the muscial vocalists of the Swiss and Austrian Alps who come from all walks of life and their passion for the melodic quality of the human voice.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

特伦托,特伦托电影节Montagna-Esplorazione-Avventura,博尔扎诺市奖——金龙胆奖 2008年。
苏黎世,Filmpodium报施塔特苏黎世,苏黎世Filmpreis 2007。Trento, Trento Film Festival Montagna-Esplorazione-Avventura, City of Bolzano Prize - Gold Gentian 2008.

Solothurn, Bundesamt für Kultur, Swiss Film Prize, Best Documentary 2008.
San Luis, Festival Internacional San Luis Cine, Best Documentary 2007.

Athens, Athens International Film Festival, Golden Athena - Best Music & Film Award 2007.

Berlin, Internationales Forum des Jungen Films, Leserpreis des "Tagesspiegels" 2007.
Berlin, Internationales Forum des Jungen Films, Preis CICAE Int. Verband der Filmkunsttheater 2007.

Nyon, Visions du Réel, Prix du Public de la ville de Nyon 2007.
Zürich, Filmpodium der Stadt Zürich, Zürcher Filmpreis 2007.
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