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El secreto de sus ojos

FANHALL ID: if03503
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片名: El secreto de sus ojos
其它片名: 谜一样的双眼/The Secret In Their Eyes
导演: Juan José Campanella
编剧: Juan José Campanella, Eduardo Sacheri
制片人: Mariela Besuievski
摄影: Félix Monti
美术: Lucas Amado
声音: José Caldararo
剪辑: Juan José Campanella
主演: Guillermo Francella ....Sandoval, Ricardo Darín, Pablo Rago
音乐: Federico Jusid, Emilio Kauderer
片长: 127分钟
年份: 2009年
国别: 阿根廷/西班牙
语言: 西班牙语
制作机构: Buenos Aires, Federal District, Argentina

影片概述 . . . . . .

已经25年了,那次罪案的情景仍深深的印在 Benjamín Espósito 的脑海中。现在,已经长大的他决定对其重新展开调查,重拾逝去的爱情、死亡和友谊。但是,当重温上千次的记忆再被唤醒的时候,这些会改变他对过去的观点吗? 抑或他们将重新改写他的将来?
  本杰明·艾斯玻希多(里卡杜·达林 Ricardo Darín 饰)是一名退休的检察官,几十年的司法工作经验让他积攒下诸多素材,而多年前一起奸杀案始终让他念念不忘,他希望将其付梓出版,了却心愿。25年前,23岁的美丽女教师莉莉安娜·科洛托(Carla Quevedo 饰)和银行职员里杜卡·莫拉莱斯(帕博罗·拉格 Pablo Rago 饰)相识相恋,然而就在两人已谈婚论嫁之际,莉莉安娜在公寓被人残忍强暴并杀害。是时司法腐败,为求尽快结案,本杰明的同事甚至随便找个外来移民顶罪。也许是为莉莉安娜死亡现场所震撼,本杰明执着地展开调查,从此卷入这桩扑朔迷离的爱恨疑案之中……One of the most perfect movie i have ever seen.This type of movie come once in a while,and remains with you for a long time.

The best thing of the movie is cinematography that makes movie so beautiful.They use camera so well and scenes are shot so beautifully especially soccer match scene.They give a very realistic feel to movie. the scene of the crime is shown very realistic.

Great acting by all the actors.all characters are very well portrait by actors.

The story of the movie is so emotional and deeply involving and have very well written dialogues. this movie kept me so engaged with all the perfect twists and pace. this movie have everything crime,romance,drama,thriller and have some moments that makes you laugh.

Direction of the movie is flawless,this movie is almost perfect in all the departments.I hardly found any mistake in the movie.

This movie deserves at least three Oscar nomination this year for screenplay ,cinematography and best movie in foreign language.

This movie is a masterpiece and will be remembered among greatest movies ever made(at least by me).

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

本片荣获2009年哈瓦那电影节观众奖、最佳男主角奖(Ricardo Darín)、最佳导演奖、最佳音乐奖和评审团特别奖。
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