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El Brindis

FANHALL ID: if03501
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片名: El Brindis
其它片名: 干杯
导演: Shai Agosin
编剧: Shai Agosin, Gabriel Agosin
制片人: Gabriel Agosin
摄影: Ignacio Prieto
声音: Mauricio López
剪辑: Carlos Puente
主演: Ana Serradilla, José Soriano, Francisco Melo
片长: 100分钟
年份: 2008)年
类型: 故事片
国别: 智利,墨西哥
语言: 西班牙语
格式: 16 mm35 mm
制作机构: Agosin Films

影片概述 . . . . . .


watched this movie with my wife (she's from Chile), but although the camera work was nice, the story wasn't convincing. Daughter visiting dad who's doing his bar mitswa, she with relational problems, the rabbi with relational problems, well it just wasn't running on the right tracks... The shots of Valparaiso are very nice, better then in real life!

Also the friction between the rabbi, who wants to leave for Santiago de Chile, and the community leader isn't worked out in depth, just a mear comment. And then the separation of the father and daughter isn't bringing the frustration one would expect, being the cold shoulder she gives here father in the beginning. I gave it a 6 because of the nice footage of Valparaiso and Chile, the story the movie should tell is still there to be found....pity

I personally think this movie could have shed more light on the Jewish community in Chile, since they opted to use the word Goj in this movie.... For me as a non-Jew that would have been more interesting to see!

For me this movie was neither comedy nor drama, but just a lengthy seat. Too bad!

受从未谋面的父亲之邀,墨西哥摄影师艾米利亚满是不安和胆怯来智利旅行。在智利她受到了几近虚伪的友好接待。依斯多罗坚持要获得她的好感, 尽管她犯错也依旧接受, 依斯多罗向她展示自己的世界,并使她认识了大卫, 一个正在承受沉重危机的男人,同他在一起,她更感到了迷茫。

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