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El Cielo, la Tierra y la Lluvia

FANHALL ID: if03500
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片名: El Cielo, la Tierra y la Lluvia
其它片名: 天空、大地和雨
导演: José Luis Torres Leiva
制片人: Bruno Bettati
摄影: Inti Briones
美术: Verónica Astudillo
声音: Claudio Vargas
主演: Ignacio Agüero, Maité Fernández, Julieta Figueroa
片长: 110分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情
国别: 智利,法国,德国
语言: 西班牙语
格式: 35 mm
制作机构: Jirafa films

影片概述 . . . . . .

This film is a futile exercise. I often wondered what it would be like to track a woman repeatedly while she is walking. I have my answer.

It does not have the ethereal qualities of a masterful director at the helm like Tarkovsky to sustain such tiresome activities and inject life into the mundane. The film fails to forge an identity as a result of this. Most seems random and is deliberately slow to put the viewer into a reflective daze but this could have been equally achieved by turning the lights out for two hours and sitting in darkness.

Leiva wants the audience to escape and break the conventional shackles of modern cinema but, in doing so, his original vision is compromised. The mind needs some form of narrative to care and Leiva knows this too well. He feeds this a little with what can only be described as a 'fractured' narrative thus compromising his original vision. However, Leiva does deserve praise for his effort and he does show promising signs of being a director to look out for in the future as he has his moments of aesthetic delight故事发生在智利南部的村庄, 天空沉闷、灰暗。 安娜 、维罗妮卡、马尔塔和托罗是四个单身过着无聊平淡的生活。 他们聚餐、去海滩散步、乘轮渡或呆在一起默默无言。他们寻找爱情、性、不存在的家庭温暖、自己的空间和时间…… 他们不仅要摆脱孤独还要找到自我

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