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片名: 彼岸
其它片名: 彼岸/The Other Shore
导演: 周渔
制片人: 周渔, 李曼
摄影: 薛明
剪辑: 周渔
片长: 52分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国大陆

影片概述 . . . . . .


"The other shore," Huang Hebian recorded the story of an ancient trade. Fishing bodies of the elderly in front of the camera saw and heard about the personal fate, the fate of history with the current reality of Goulian, the produce is not a history of attachment, but asked about the nature of life.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Yellow River every year a large number of floating corpses, many of the spirits of the dead spirits waiting for salvage. But times have changed, the business has a new way ... ...
When this form of life to demonstrate in front of the camera, the sociology of language, as well as to face all kinds of complex era when the kind of a sense of security can not be satisfactorily resolved once again to our confusion. Life and death never take into account the complexity of words, words but also how to recover the cold can not keep up with life and death. "Time" in the "other side" of course, can only be regarded as the path, and we linger in the minds of the Yellow River is from Gone with the Wind, under which a corpse is. Indifference is not a political struggle or economic miracle behind the product, now perhaps we have forgotten that it is the world of the existence of a.

Bible, "Revelation" Chapter 14, 20, said: "The death and the underworld have been thrown into the lake of fire, the lake of fire is the second death. If there are people who do not remember the name of the book of life, he was thrown into the fire The lake. "Ancient Chinese culture, although in the absence of the concept of the" other side "sense of ancestor worship but also fear ghosts. No matter what age, no matter what the reason, the salvage of the bodies were, after all, doing something with life and death-related matters. For those of the dead were recovered from the water, drowning whatever reason, whether or not they will arrive on the other side, they should be recorded in the book. At least in the real level of a highlight for the death of concern; in their daily lives, shows a concern for the life. This is the "other shore" with a story to convey to us.

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抵达之谜--纪录片《彼岸》浅释  来自于光 [展开/收起]
网管   2008-11-29 02:38:47   1回应
抵达之谜--纪录片《彼岸》浅释 于 光 独立影像人吴文光说过,对他“很有刺激”的那种“毛糙、冲动、无所顾忌”,如今只能到圈外找,“在年轻人身上...
《彼岸》:世界的另一面 来自王杨的评论 [展开/收起]
网管   2008-11-29 02:37:43   0回应
《彼岸》:世界的另一面 文/王杨 世界在我们眼中究竟是什么模样?如今,影像中的世界是复杂的。拔地而起的高楼大厦,急速消失的老房子,人们都在影像...
看《彼岸》说彼岸 [展开/收起]
网管   2008-11-21 14:48:13   0回应
自以为是的理想社会 死人养活人 活人变死人 政府只是过路人 《彼岸》————周渔 从文革期间开始至今,在甘肃省某个县,黄河上,有为数不多的捞尸人...

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