片名: | 黑夜行路 |
其它片名: | /Call If You Need Me |
导演: | 李添兴 |
制片人: | 陈翠梅 |
摄影: | J. Ishmael |
美术: | Nikki Tok |
声音: | Nick Lee |
剪辑: | 李添兴, James Lee |
主演: | Sunny Pang, Pete Teo, Chua Thien See |
音乐: | Siew Jye, Ronnie Khoo |
片长: | 120分钟 |
年份: | 年 |
类型: | 剧情 |
国别: | 马来西亚 |
语言: | 马来语 |
格式: |
影片概述 . . . . . .
A couple of cousins go to town and make a living by chasing long-unpaid debt together. Soon they collect a notorious reputation among gangs, however got cheated by fate……
A couple of cousins go to town and make a living by chasing long-unpaid debt together. Soon they collect a notorious reputation among gangs, however got cheated by fate……
导演阐述 . . . . . .
Director’s Statement:
For Call If You Need Me, the changes from the original concept and story changes drastically when the subject I want to explore which is loyalty and friendship begins to expand into a bigger world. Originally the movie is supposed to be small scale with three main characters and it’s a road movie set on one long night, but then slowly it grows and become more than just three characters and more than one night.
Director’s Statement:
For Call If You Need Me, the changes from the original concept and story changes drastically when the subject I want to explore which is loyalty and friendship begins to expand into a bigger world. Originally the movie is supposed to be small scale with three main characters and it’s a road movie set on one long night, but then slowly it grows and become more than just three characters and more than one night.
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