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片名: 迷雾
其它片名: /MIST
导演: 张小涛
编剧: 侯明
制片人: 张小涛
摄影: 袁菲, 张弓力, 王铁为
美术: 谭祥, 张渝
声音: 陈皓
剪辑: 侯明, 侯敏
音乐: 陈皓
片长: 34分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 动画
国别: 中国
格式: 三维立体建模
制作机构: 重庆意动影像公司

影片概述 . . . . . .

试图用“显微镜”的微观叙事来抽样放大并进行视觉分析重钢和深圳世界之窗这两个看来风马牛不相及的个案,工厂里生产的有污染的烟雾在我看来是关于现代化工业神话的云烟,或许是历史和现实的迷雾……. 在这些人工化的云山雾海中屏蔽了前社会主义时期中国的集体现代化理想诉求的本源及其付出的惨痛代价和经验教训,十里钢城是集体梦魇和历史记忆变迁的剧场。在川流不息的世界之窗的人群中,我们难以掩饰在后社会主义时期疯狂的物质化诉求对今天每个中国人从面相到心灵的剧烈改变,我想记录并见证我们在这个历程中个体的煎熬、忍耐、绝望、崩溃的过程,并以“导演”的身份把蚂蚁和蜥蜴骷髅等微小动物的生死幻灭、悲欢离合的独特视点来营造一个动物世界的梦幻剧场,我试图用动物之眼来观察和视觉分析重钢和世界之窗之间在时间和空间上的精神联系和延续。在瞬间的时空更替中我们遭遇了剧烈而迅速的社会变革:集体主义的物质化欲望诉求,传统文脉的崩溃,当代人精神的普遍失落,以及全球化市场和后社会主义政治和经济转型期的混合,给每个中国人带来巨大的震荡和变化,呈现了荒芜的废墟和繁荣的工地交织的壮丽景象。什幺是它们的普遍联系?在毁灭中重生的艰难历程,让后来者在我们的图像和声音的下面去解码我们今天的混乱信息……

I am trying to use a microscopic narrative to sample and magnify the seemingly entirely unrelated cases of Chongqing Steel and Windows to the World for visual analysis. As I see it, the polluted smoke created by the factory is the smoke of modernization mythology, or maybe the fog of history and reality…. These manmade landscapes have obscured the pursuit of collective modern ideals in pre-socialist China and the painful price paid and hard lessons learned. The massive steel town is the stage for collective sleep paralysis and the march of history. Among the crowds that flow ceaselessly through Windows to the World, it is hard to cover up the massive changes that have been wrought on every Chinese from their faces to their souls by the crazed materialistic pursuits of the post-socialist era. I want to record and witness our individual processions of anxiety, patience, hopelessness and collapse in this historical trajectory, and under the identity of a “director”, create a dreamstage of the animal world made of life and death, disillusionment and the trials of life for ants and lizard skeletons. I will attempt to use the eyes of animals to observe and visually analyze the spatiotemporal spiritual connections and continuity between Chongqing Steel and Windows to the World. In an instantaneous spatiotemporal shift we have been hit by drastic and rapid social change – collectivist material desires and aspirations, the collapse of traditional roots, the universal spiritual loss of contemporary man, and the jumbling of the global market, post-socialist politics and economic transformation have brought massive shock and transformation to each and every Chinese person, presenting the arresting spectacle of festering ruins alongside flourishing construction sites. What is their universal connection? In the arduous process of being reborn amidst the ruins, let those that follow us decode our chaotic information from our images and voices….

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Director’s Statement:

I will use Mist to construct a visualized logic of reflection to once again decode or encode the process of spatiotemporal transition that we have gone through spiritually and bodily from hope to disillusionment to rebirth from the modernization path of the Mao Era to the contemporary scene where the era of globalized liberal economics and post-socialist political society are complexly entangled. I hope to use visualized language to probe the injuries and pains that inflict our bodies and souls, to probe the tininess of the individual and the vastness of the times. We encounter these conundrums and pressures in every era, and it seems that in our historical experience, every time we encounter massive social change and destruction, Chinese culture comes out with a shocking ability to recover, so that our spiritual roots have never totally collapsed but continued on to this day through the impermanent cycles of the millennia. Rebirth and transmutation from destruction seems to be the religion that universally connects us as a people. There are always identical trends in history. Where are we in this fog-like labyrinth of the tangled mass of history and reality? Where is the world?

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