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FANHALL ID: if03069
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片名: 新堡
其它片名: /New Castle
导演: 郭恒奇
摄影: 郭恒奇
剪辑: 郭恒奇
片长: 156分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录
国别: 中国
语言: 汉语方言

影片概述 . . . . . .

新堡是一个比较偏远的山区村庄。 村脚下有一座小煤矿,由于过度的开采,导致山体变形,房屋裂缝。 在政府“新农村建设”的倡导之下,普洞村委规划将新堡人全部迁入即将建好的“小洋楼”之中……
影片描绘了一组居住在新堡的人民的群像,其中有来自全国各地矿工,奥运开幕,煤矿勒令停产,他们失业;以及当地的村民,如在矿难中失去了两个儿子的范老太太和两个孙子;仍以种地为生的老韩和老王, 在煤矿事故中瘫痪的韩斌,村里年青人在他家赌博,村委的选举,基督徒的礼拜等等.影片最后,新楼正建,旧房被拆。新年到了,村民祭祀祈福……

New Castle is a remote rural village where houses and mountains have been distorted due to excessive mining. Under the “New Village”campaign, all the villagers will be moved into the nearly completed Luxury Buildings. The documentary depicts the life of two groups of people, miners and villagers. The miners who are from all over the country, lost their jobs because of the Olympic Games in Beijing – the mine was shut down to make the air less polluted. The villagers had no better luck. Granny Fan lost two sons and two grandsons in a mining accident. Old Han and Old Wang are still farming. Some youngsters are gambling in the house of Han Bin, who was crippled in another mining accident. In the film, you can also see the village election, the service of local Christians, and people worshipping for a better year to come.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Director’s Statement:
I worked in there and went back to visit in 2007. When I thought about those poor peasants about to move into the new buildings, I couldn’t help wondering if the new homes would indeed bring them happiness. Is the government’s narrative of a prosperous society consistent with how people really feel?
Some people lost their home due to the government’s decision, some people destryoed their home for a living without knowing it, and some people had to leave their home to make a living. Where is home when the society rushes to the ideal of urbanization and uproots the traditional rural society? I want to film their daily work and life to show the living situations of comtemporary rural people.
影展和获奖记录Film Festival and Awards

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shihuipeng   2010-10-16 21:33:38   2回应
QQ398291497 曾经上课只会捣乱的那个学生— —师慧蓬

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