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Andy Warhol: Re-Reproduction

FANHALL ID: if02959
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片名: Andy Warhol: Re-Reproduction
其它片名: /Andy Warhol: Fukufukusei
导演: Toshio Matsumoto
编剧: Japan
主演: Andy Warhol
片长: 23分钟
年份: 1974年
类型: 实验
国别: 日本

影片概述 . . . . . .

A kaleidoskopic image of Andy Warhol, presumably found footage from some interview, is slowed down and played over sudden bursts of white noise and Warhol's own distorted, delayed, voice. It doesn't really get anywhere, it's an experimental short after all, it's not meant to reaffirm preconceived notions of form but rather play with them, deconstruct them, and piece them back together in different abstract ways, see what comes of it. Maybe something unexpectedly great will emerge from the experiment, this too not as an end in itself, but as a means to enrich form. Mainstream cinema of the last 20 years (not to say anything about MTV) has thrived on the experimental ideas of pioneers like Matsumoto. Worth a watch for the adventurous viewer.

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