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L'éclipse du soleil en pleine lune

FANHALL ID: if02957
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片名: L'éclipse du soleil en pleine lune
其它片名: /The Eclipse
导演: Georges Méliès
主演: Georges Méliès
片长: 9分钟
年份: 1907年
类型: 实验
国别: 法国
制作机构: Star Film

影片概述 . . . . . .

博学的天文学教授(Georges Méliès 乔治•梅里爱 饰)正在给学生们上课,但调皮的学生无心听讲,一心打闹、捉弄老师。教授对此无计可施。
  正争吵间,天空忽然变暗,教授连忙跑上阁楼,通过望远镜他看到了奇妙的一幕:一个女性的月亮正朝着男性的太阳靠近,继而重合,形成一次美妙的日食。俄而天空出现星斗,神仙、仙女坐在星星上飞来飞去,或者谈笑,或者吵闹,好不惬意。接着又出现精彩的流星雨景观,仙女们自天空中纷纷落下。老教授看得出神,一不留神自阳台栽下,吓坏了学生和助手……One of a number of oddities in the filmography of Georges Méliès, this feature combines an offbeat story with an array of visual effects to create an interesting, if strange, one-reel film. Most of the visual effects are close to Méliès's usual standard, and on the few occasions when they are not, it is usually the idea that is uninteresting, as opposed to the execution being faulty. Only on a couple of occasions do some of the seams show; the rest of the time Méliès's craftsmanship makes the best use of his resources.

The narrative intertwines two subplots, both of which are unusual in different ways. The main story shows a distinguished professor who is trying to teach astronomy to a group of eager but restless students. This is sandwiched around some sequences that depict the activities of various celestial bodies, which are given quasi-human personalities.

The scenes of the professor and his students consist mostly of slapstick, which is of uneven quality but has some good moments. The middle sequence has a weird courtship scene between a female moon and a male sun (both of whom are remarkably unattractive, for whatever reason), followed by a weird and suggestive succession of images of the activities of some other anthropomorphic astronomical objects.

The individual visual effects are not always particularly impressive, but the sequence as a whole lends itself to all kinds of possible responses and speculations. There are probably a lot of different ways that you could take it, depending on whether you were a Freudian, a Jungian, or a devotee of some other school of psychology.

All of this makes the movie not really one of Méliès's best or most impressive efforts, but it's certainly unusual. He had quite an imagination, and when he gave free rein to it, the results were always interesting, if nothing else.

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