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FANHALL ID: if02707
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其它片名: 寻找哈萨/寻找哈桑
导演: Edouard Beau
编剧: Jeremy Gravayat
摄影: Edouard Beau
声音: Gil Savoy
片长: 63分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
语言: 阿拉伯语
格式: 彩色
制作机构: Édouard Beau Production

影片概述 . . . . . .

以上是Edouard Beau 对他的处女作拍摄过程的描述。我们会看到,执行公务的警察最后赤手空拳的死去。令人震惊的画面不遗余力的向我们展示他们残忍的暴行、殴打、谩骂。这是一个充满了破门而去、抢劫盗窃的废城,恐惧笼罩在每一个人心中。所有的这一切都在去年的迪帕尔马电影中有所展示。作为一部故事片处女作,这部电影里看不到业余者的痕迹。负面新闻报道也许会磨灭了这部著作的重要性。但是这部电影别有新意。电影所拍摄的内容是在一天之内,日出到日落之间发生的。电影却创造了他自己的时间。即:法律控制混乱。但事实上,混乱控制了法律。
“November 2007. I have been asked to go and film a Kurdish battalion of the Iraqi army. This battalion is located in Mossoul. I have 48 hours to make a decision. I decide to go. There, a friend gives me his old Hi8 camera with ten tapes. I am a photographer. I have never filmed anything. I have never seen War. For a whole month, I remain close to these soldiers and I film their everyday life, in spite of everything. Long waits, times out, endless wanderings through the city, looking for untraceable terrorists.”
This is how does Edouard Beau describes the shooting of his first film. What is to be seen? Zealous policemen on business, even if they end up empty handed. The stunning proximity of images doesn’t spare us any of their harrowing brutality, the beatings, the yelling, an exhausted city, houses violently violated, terrifying searches, fear that reigns and quashes everyone. All of this is present, echoing the last De Palma film. But although a first feature, no amateurism is to be found here. While the shadow of news report and the hunt for the spectacular may put this enterprise at risk, something else is proposed here. The action in this film takes place in one day, from sunrise till sunset. The film constructs its own temporality. Which one? That of a law that wants to absorb chaos. In reality, it is chaos that is absorbing law.

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