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FANHALL ID: if02703
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其它片名: 猫,被尊敬的奴隶
导演: Alain della Negra, Kaori Kinoshita
编剧: Jean-Christophe Hym, Sébastien de Sainte Croix
摄影: Kaori Kinoshita
声音: Alain della Negra
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 法国
语言: 法语
格式: 彩色
制作机构: Capricci Films

影片概述 . . . . . .

从他的第一部电影(《电影党》)开始,Alain Della Negra就非常喜欢真实的虚假和虚假的真实、以及两者的对决。因此他很自然的在第二生活中发现主题。去年他和Kaori Kinoshita的电影《The Den》已经开始探索变化中的真实地带,但这部电影只关注了一个部落“Furries”。“Furries”能够接受他们的动物性。如果这个新国家已经十分巨大而且日益庞大,并且互联网用户移动、交流、交易、恋爱、管理公司、建立俱乐部、开办聚会,总之,将人们的生活变为双重幻想。Della Negra 和 Kinoshita有许多想法。在这里,观众将会再次看到一些Furries。
Right from his first film (Chitra Party, FID 2003), Alain Della Negra had shown a penchant for the true false, the false truth, the power of doubles, the trembling of assignations, the strength and prank of fiction stuck inside the fragile body of documentary verism. Thus it was only natural that he’d found in Second Life an appealing subject. Last year, he and Kaori Kinoshita’s film The Den already explored this virtual zone of exchange, but it only focused on a single tribe, the “Furries”, who singularly embraced their animality. Given that this new country is already huge but tends to get even bigger, and since internet users move, communicate, trade, love, manage companies, create clubs, have parties, in a word, turn their lives into a fantasized double, Della Negra and Kinoshita have a lot on their plates. Here, the audience is to meet a few Furries again, only this time in the company of Goreans with strange sexual habits and, for good measure and to complete similarities with our world, a couple of Christian evangelists.
Obviously, this fairly quiet circus is interesting in two ways. First, for the unbelievable exuberance obtained by means of the second life enthusiasts’ patience, in a place where fantasized misbehaviours become acceptable, visible and available: day-today fantasy. Second, for the convincing similarity with ordinary life: fantasy’s daily life. The film investigates the norm’s round-trip back to itself, with a crazy twist, while remaining calmly stunned… and so do we.

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