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Le bonheur

FANHALL ID: if02654
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片名: Le bonheur
其它片名: 幸福/Happiness
导演: Agnès Varda
编剧: Agnès Varda
制片人: Mag Bodard
摄影: Jean Rabier, Claude Beausoleil
美术: Joseph Gerhard
剪辑: Janine Verneau
主演: Jean-Claude Drouot, Claire Drouot, Olivier Drouot
音乐: Jean-Michel Defaye
片长: 79分钟
年份: 1965年
国别: 法国
语言: 法语
制作机构: Parc Film

影片概述 . . . . . .


Though married to the good-natured, beautiful Thérèse (Claire Drouot), young husband and father François (Jean-Claude Drouot) finds himself falling unquestioningly into an affair with an attractive postal worker. One of Agnès Varda’s most provocative films, Le bonheur examines, with a deceptively cheery palette and the spirited strains of Mozart, the ideas of fidelity and happiness in a modern, self-centered world.

Forty years ago I saw this movie three times. Triangel love affairs are the subject of many movies, but I've never seen it more beautifully done then in this movie.

I was especially impressed by the use of the music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

It is the Serenade for Winds in C minor (K. 388) written in 1782. This Serenade for Winds was transcribed by Mozart to the String Quintet in C minor (K. 406). One version is used for the first relationship, the other version for the second relationship. In this way they represent 'le Bonheur' (the Happinesss) in both relationships and the whole movie.

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