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LOMAX-the songhunter

FANHALL ID: if02589
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片名: LOMAX-the songhunter
其它片名: 罗马克斯-猎歌人-
导演: Rogier Kappers
编剧: Rogier Kappers
摄影: Adri Schrover
剪辑: Jos Driessen
主演: Peter Kennedy, Alan Lomax, Peggy Seeger
片长: 93分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 新西兰
语言: 英语
格式: Digital- Beta
制作机构: MM Film

影片概述 . . . . . .

Of course Alan Lomax deserves to be praised for his contributions to American culture. Of course he had some VERY serious flaws, and this show politely indicates some of them. He has also been the subject of very unfair criticism, which the director wisely avoids.

However, I found it immensely disturbing how much footage was devoted to seeing Alan Lomax as he was shortly before he died, with his mind no longer what it had been. For example, the opening shot of his daughter reading his own words to him was painfully gratuitous. He obviously couldn't understand what was going on, but the camera lingered (dare I say, stared?) on him, and far too often throughout the film. If these scenes could be edited out, it would be worth a 9, maybe even 10.

There is much that is good here, though. I particularly liked the scenes where the crew visit people Lomax had recorded many years before in Spain and Italy. And the description of Cantometrics was easy to follow, if a bit simplistic. Maybe something on the Global Jukebox, his last big project?


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