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Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

FANHALL ID: if02415
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片名: Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski
其它片名: 我最好的朋友-克劳斯·金斯基/我的魔鬼
导演: Werner Herzog
编剧: Werner Herzog
制片人: Sabine Rollberg, Christine Ruppert, Andre Singer, Lucki Stipetic
摄影: Peter Zeitlinger 
剪辑: Joe Bini 
主演: Werner Herzog, Klaus Kinski, Eva Mattes, Isabelle Adjani, Claudia Cardinale, Justo González, Mick Jagger, Benino Moreno Placido, Beat Presser, Guillermo Ríos, Jason Robards, Walter Saxer, Maximilian Schell, Andrés Vicente
音乐: Popol Vuh 
片长: 95min分钟
年份: 1999年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 英国 德国 芬兰 美国
语言: 德语 英语 西班牙语

影片概述 . . . . . .

In the 1950s, when Werner Herzog was 13, he was sharing an apartment with Klaus Kinski, an ego-maniacal live-wire. In an unabated, 48 hour fit of rage, Kinski destroyed every piece of furniture in sight. From this chaos, a beautiful albeit volatile partnership was born. In 1972, Herzog cast Kinski in Aguirre, The Wrath of God. Four more films would follow. In this personal documentary, Herzog traces the often violent up and downs of their relationship, revisiting Munich apartment where they first met - and thrashed, and the various locations of their films. Written by L.H. Wong

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