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Thou Shall Not Kill

FANHALL ID: if02269
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片名: Thou Shall Not Kill
其它片名: 你不可杀人/汝不可殺人
导演: Mario Marazziti
片长: 52分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 義大利
语言: 意大利语
格式: 黑白

影片概述 . . . . . .

一談到死刑,就脫離不了歧視、階級、家庭及冤獄等林林總總的問題。而不幸的是,發生在美國德州的「格林案」正好集其大成。然而,對多明尼克.格林而言,他 心中最深地痛,只怕還是他那位在法庭上告訴陪審團「愛怎麼判就怎麼判」,然後呼呼大睡的母親。經過十多年的荒唐歲月,格林直到身陷死牢才漸漸了解他的母 親。只是,一切都有點晚了:「我想過之後,了解到她只是在承接一個循環。就像她的母親把自己一生經歷過的事情讓她去經歷,她也是把她經歷過的傳給了我。但 是我沒有再傳出去。我打破了這個循環。不幸的是,我打破這個循環的速度不夠快……」

義大利籍導演Mario Marazziti本身就是一位活躍的反死刑運動者。在本片中,他訪問了包括格林在內的三位死刑犯、被害者家屬、死牢中的教誨師以及監獄中的工作人員等 等,從近距離觀看死刑—這個我們既熟悉,又陌生的刑罰。每個死刑案件的背後,都有一個無力的體制、失能的家庭,或者一個草率的司法、歧視的審判。看著一個 個生命的故事,我們或許會醒悟,以眼還眼,殺人償命只會使我們在處決死囚後,就阿Q地閉上雙眼,然後繼續讓渺小無助的個人,承擔社會體制失能的惡果。

Directed by Mario Marazziti
It's inevitable to encounter topics of discrimination, social class, family and being accused for the crime that doesn't exist. The Green case in Texas was all the above. For Dominic Green, he would never forget the pain he felt, when his mother told the judges to do whatever they want with him. It wasn't until Green's time in the death row that he began to underestand her, albit a little too late. "The way i think of it is that" Green said, "That she was just taking on part of this circle, like how her mother passed on her life experience to my mother. She passed her life to me, but it stopped on me. I broke this cycle...
Italian director Mario Marazziti is very active as an activist of abolishing death lenalty. In this film, he intervewed the three death row inmates, incluing Green, as well as their families, and staff in the prison. "Thou Shall not Kill" is Marazziti's attempt to get up-close and personal with the death penality, something that we know but not knowing enough. There's a failed system, dysfunctional family, or even a rushed court decision behind every death row inmates. Perhaps it is better for us to look at these people as people, to reflect upon their lives. Taking lives through the death penalty is only a quick fix that belittles individual humanity in the long run.

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