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New Rock Revolution!

FANHALL ID: if02172
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片名: New Rock Revolution!
导演: Tim Lies
片长: 分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: Arthouse or Rock
国别: Chinese/ American
语言: English

影片概述 . . . . . .

Based on truth, New Rock Revolution! is the story of a deported American rock star who rises from
homelessness in Harbin to become a rock god in taboo underground club world of the Forbidden City.
tarring Chaoziran with over 30 Chinese top bands and 54-song soundtrack. Produced and directed by English teacher in China.


它源于一个真实的故事,一个被驱逐的美国摇滚明星Lucifer Joans来到了中国,生活窘迫,在哈尔滨寒冷的大街上流浪,成了一个乞丐。有一天,Lucifer无意中发现了中国的摇滚圈,从此他的生活奇迹般地发生了逆转,一跃成为了魅力四射的摇滚明星。面对突如其来的变化,Lucifer的内心发生了剧烈地变革,他极力拯救中国将要衰退的传统文化和音乐,甚至发明了“精神上的第三种语言”。后来他在一个中学当上了英语老师,和他高中学生们一起度过了一段难忘而快乐的时光。

最后 Lucifer克服了心理障碍和在中国生活的文化隔阂,重新回归到自己喜爱的音乐上,建立了自己的乐队—超自然,在一场摇滚革命风暴中成为了新的领袖,带着乐队们四处巡演,找回了自己…….这部充满摇滚梦幻的低俗电影中加入了过三十个知命的中国乐队和艺术家,如果你想了解摇滚,想了解这个疯疯癫癫充满神奇色彩的摇滚外教的故事,那你绝对不能错过这部电影。


导演阐述 . . . . . .

New Rock Revolution! is a vision that started in Harbin and exploded into a revolution in Beijing. 

When I started over four years ago, no foreigner had ever made an independent movie entirely on the Mainland. This was an arduous task. The movie combines Chinese and English music and culture in a way never seen before in the history of cinema. I had the help of hundreds of people, bands, and clubs. We've gathered key sponsors to help market the movie on the internet. The soundtrack has 54 songs of multiple genres, and, is without a doubt, the greatest representation of Chinese music ever compiled! As an English teacher in Beijing, we hope Chinese students and young adults will use this work to learn English. We fully support the values of education, environment, and culture.

Thank you China for allowing me--and all the wonderful people who helped--to produce this
revolutionary movie. 

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Tim Lies has performed at world famous clubs from among the chameleon group’s nearly 200 shows. In 1998, he formed The Supernaturals in Melbourne, Fla., the birthplace of Jim Morrison. Fans affectionately called him Tim-Jim, and like his lead vocalist soulmate, he produced original music and rock theatre. During post-911, Tim-Jim moved to L.A. With new band members, The Supernaturals played famous clubs such and The Key Club, Club Lingerie, and The Whiskey, where The Doors once performed. On Venice Beach, he learned guitar left-handed and followed the lead of his other guardian angels—Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain. Invisible Records of Chicago released two songs—Alien Bride and Queen of the Prostitutes—on Notes From the Underground V. China beckoned three years later. In Harbin, Tim-Jim resurrected the band and renamed it Chaoziran (Chinese for “supernatural”). He was one of the first American producers to mix foreign and China musicians as well as fuse Western rock with traditional Chinese instruments. With his musical partner, Dan Finn of Long Island, N.Y., the two moved to Beijing three years ago. Chaoziran is without a doubt the only foreign-fronted rock fusion band to perform consistently over the last four years (maybe in the history of Chinese music). In Beijing, Lies continued the arduous task as producer/director of the history-making China rock movie—Megwoman! The New Rock Revolution! After four years in production, the feature movie will have its internet domestic release this winter. The Megwoman! rocumentary premiered last December at the Beijing Film Festival, Cherry Lane Theatre, 13 Club, and Mao Live House. China Daily and Beijing Today wrote feature articles. In the feature movie, Tim-Jim plays Lucifer Joans, a deported American rock star, who rises from a street beggar in Harbin to become a rock god in the taboo China underground club scene. After two years of principle photography, Lies was the first foreign director to ever shoot a feature movie entirely on The Mainland, and he has overcome incredible communication barriers with the help of hundreds of foreign and Chinese performers, scores of native rock bands and artists, and major clubs in Harbin and Beijing. Overall, Chaoziran has played nearly 100 shows in China. Right now, Tim-Jim (lead vocals and guitar) and Dan Finn (bass, keyboards) are creating a new sound with drummer Guo Zhi Gang of Beijing. With five songs in the movie, Chaoziran heads an all-star band cast, and the soundtrack boasts over 30 Chinese groups and artists of all genres and 50+ songs. Key club sponsors are 13 Club, Mao Live House, Yugongyishan, and New What? Bar. In addition, key internet sponsors are Sina.com, Myspace.cn, Bokee.com, Qianlong.com, HIT-FM, and RockYear.com. Presently, Chaoziran is working to complete the songs for the movie’s soundtrack album. These songs will form the foundation for the band’s debut album some time next time. Tim-Jim has gone on to play the lead acting role in “I’m Kunming,” a dramatic film produced by Zhang Xiao Chun of CCTV. As a producer/director, Lies is in development of the original musical sit-com China Rocks. Also, he has a popular blog on Sina.com with over 115,000 visitors. For more information, please contact Tim Lies at rainbowvoicesbj@yahoo.com or 13466680712. All movie and song copyrights/publishing rights by Tim Lies/chaoziran 2008
——2009-06-23 12:55:18,超自然上传

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