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FANHALL ID: if02127
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片名: 漂浪青春
其它片名: /Drifting Flowers
导演: 周美玲
编剧: 周美玲
制片人: 劉芸后
摄影: 劉芸后
声音: 杜篤之, 康永檻
剪辑: 周美玲, 劉芸后
主演: 房思瑜, 陸奕靜, 趙逸嵐
音乐: 許景淳
片长: 97分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 中国台湾
语言: 闽南语台湾
制作机构: 三映電影文化事業有限公司

影片概述 . . . . . .

8 歲的她,在嫉妒的情緒中,發現了愛情;一個盲歌女、一個琴師、一個打電動的女孩,譜出一段悲喜交織的三角戀情…
故事回到貫穿前兩段故事的琴師,那年她還在家鄉讀中學,17 歲,乳房正急劇發育著,她卻有了纏胸的衝動;在身體的探索掙扎中,她明白了自我,終於決定勇敢邁向未知的一切…

Thr ee interconnected stories about three women living in three different eras. DRIFTING FLOWERS weaves a poetic tale of drifting as all the women seek their true identity. As time ebbs and flows, as love comes and goes, their journey towards finding themselves never ends.
First, eight-year old May discovers the bitter taste of first love when she accidentally sees her blind sister Jing kissing their band’s tomboy accordionist Diego. So strong is the child’s jealousy that the three are torn apart.
In another time and place, Lily struggles with her Alzheimer’s and fragile memory of youth. When her old friend Yen comes to visit, he brings more bad news – struck by HIV, he is giving up on life. Between Lily’s hallucinations and Yen’s collapsing health, the two form an unexpected bond and rediscovered the meaning to live and love again. 
Finally, there is Diego, years before she left her hometown and joined the band. Still in high school, the confused teenager binds her growing breasts despite being called “boy girl” by her traditional family. An impromptu performance changes her destiny, as Diego faces her unknown future with courage and hope.

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