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FANHALL ID: if02080
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片名: 十七歲的天空
其它片名: /Formula 17
导演: 陳映蓉
编剧: 傅睿邨
制片人: 葉育萍, 李耀華
摄影: 陳惠生
声音: 陳之浩
剪辑: 陳曉東
主演: 楊祐寧, Duncan Lai, 金勤
音乐: 陳建麒, 洪峙立
片长: 93分钟
年份: 2004年
国别: 中国台湾
语言: 国语
制作机构: 三和娛樂國際有限公司

影片概述 . . . . . .

周小天(楊祐寧飾)是一個純淨優質的處男。為了尋找夢中情人,從南部千里迢迢來到台北。在好朋友小宇(金勤飾)的介紹下,小天開始在一家健身房打工,同時體驗燦爛的都會生活,並且認識了最有價值的單身漢- 白鐵男(Duncan飾)。小天雖喜歡鐵男,但鐵男身旁總是跟著一個男人,讓小天懷疑有關鐵男花心不負責的流言,是否真實。

In a fantasy world where heterosexuals are extinct, TIEN, a 17-year old innocent goes to the big city for a summer of love and adventure. On his very first night in Taipei, he locks eyes with the irresistible and irredeemable BAI, rumored to be the biggest playboy known to mankind. Tien’s three friends- bartender YU, flamboyant CC, and fitness fanatic ALAN, worried about his growing interest in Bai, warn him off with an exaggerated tale of Bai’s scandalous past, in which the heartbroken became a heartbreaker. Despite this, fate keeps bringing Tien and Bai together, until they finally recognize their love story and spend the night. But the next morning, Bai goes missing while Tien is in the shower. Unbeknownst to Tien, Bai has a secret that changes everything.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

在現代愛情被高度商品化與消費化的時代,我們對愛情童話的祈求更是若饑若渴。在異性戀的社群如此,在同性戀的社群更是如此。無奈在台灣大部分的同志片都是導演藉由邊緣發聲的利器,而非同志現狀的展現,所以我們有了一個意圖- 想拍一個關於男同志的童話,一個王子遇見王子的愛情故事,所以最後我們完成了這部電影。

Director’s Statement:
For a long long time, Taiwan film has been known for the following characteristics: realism, long takes, low-key lighting, and serious subject matters.  Unfortunately, you will not see any of these characteristics in our film. 
Instead, you will see a fantasy world where heterosexuals are extinct, super big close-ups that make you intimate with actors' pores, a dazzlingly bright city that never rains, and the freedom and playfulness one only finds in youth. 
According to Auteur Theory, a film's author is generally the director or writer.  But this film's author is not any one person, but a whole team of young people.  With a new 23-year old director, a new writer, new producers, and even a cast & crew predominantly working for the first time, we kissed our virginity goodbye!

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