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FANHALL ID: if02075
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片名: 硝酸鹽之吻
其它片名: Nitrate Kisses
导演: 芭芭拉•汉默
片长: 67分钟
年份: 1992年
国别: 德国
语言: 德语

影片概述 . . . . . .


Nitrate Kisses explores images of lesbian and gay culture in this first feature-length film by Hammer, a pioneer of lesbian cinema. Archival footage from the first gay film in the U.S. , Lot in Sodom (1933), by James Sibley Watson and Melville Webber, as well as footage form German narrative and documentary films of the 30s are interwoven in this multi-faceted construction. Questions of a forbidden and invisible history of a marginalized people are placed into context by the contemporary sexual activities-photographed by Hammer of four gay and lesbian couples Maria & Ruth, Sandy & Jerre.
Nitrate Kisses makes the viewers, gay or straight, want to save scraps. Letters, books, records and snapshots are collected in order to preserve ordinary lives as “history”. The imaginative possibilities of revealed and new languages, histories and biographies in recovered documents suggest a new visibility for gays and lesbians of yesterday and today.

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