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FANHALL ID: if02070
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片名: 恋夕阳
其它片名: /Come to Daddy
导演: 魏建刚
制片人: 涂建平
摄影: 魏建刚, 涂建平, 管盛盛
声音: 管盛盛
剪辑: 管盛盛
音乐: 冯海宁
片长: 30分钟
年份: 2009年
国别: 中国
语言: 国语
制作机构: 同志亦凡人

影片概述 . . . . . .


In a world where Botox controls the facial expressions of more and more people, it seems like growing old is a new taboo. Misery, loneliness and boredom are often the keywords to describe how we think about elderly people. Age has become something to fight against in a society ruled by Peter Pan celebrities…
Wake-up from Never-Never Land!! Rock that wrinkle! Old can be gay, golden and glamorous! This documentary travels to China, Italy, Belgium and Holland to put the spotlight on gay elderly men who talk freely about their experiences. They all have stories to tell: some do research on the conduct of their fellow gay elderly, some never lose their faith in building up love-relationships with younger men, some courageously stand up to all those proclaiming that sex stops after 80 and some celebrate their 50-year anniversary with their boyfriend.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Director’s Statement:
What does gay elderly life look like? Do gay elderly people still have love affairs? Are they lonely? Do they regret not having children or grandchildren who can take care of them? Should we be afraid of getting old?
Society, including the queer society, tends to keep the elderly hidden. By always focusing on youth and health, it seems to warn us for old age, telling us that it is a period of gloomy darkness.  
We decided not to heed this warning and made a documentary about the lives of 4 elderly gay men. We asked them open and direct questions, and they told us without inhibitions about their past, present and future. Though they all come from different cultural and social backgrounds, their lives and opinions intersect in interesting ways, giving the viewer an exiting look at how adventurous it can be to grow old.

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