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Bye Bye Antonia

FANHALL ID: if02066
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片名: Bye Bye Antonia
其它片名: 再见,安东尼娅
导演: Isabella Gresser
编剧: Isabella Gresser
制片人: Isabella Gresser, Valentin Albersmann
摄影: Valentin Albersmann
声音: Johanna Grabsch, Ina Kim
剪辑: Valentin Albersmann
主演: Main caracter, Lukas Maeding, Lu Shi, Till Schneider etc
音乐: Johanna Grabsch, Ina Kim
片长: 16分钟
年份: 2005年
国别: 德国
语言: 德语
制作机构: Isola Bella Production

影片概述 . . . . . .


Does Toni have to make a decision?
Girl or Boy?
Next to discrimination Toni, some kids are also interested and curious about her.
After wanting to start with BMX biking, her world with its the hierarchies and
rolemodels getting mixed up.
A Shortfilm which wants to encourage being oneself.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


Director’s Statement:
Filminformation: The main actor had a sex change (assimilation) during the time of shooting and is living now as a man.

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