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FANHALL ID: if02057
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片名: 肯复的艾滋岁月
其它片名: /Kenfil’s Positive Life
导演: 麦家蕾, 张锦雄
编剧: 麦家蕾, 张锦雄
制片人: 麦家蕾, 张锦雄
摄影: 麦家蕾, 张锦雄
声音: 麦家蕾, 张锦雄
剪辑: 麦家蕾
主演: 张锦雄
片长: 43分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国香港
语言: 粤语
制作机构: 香港彩虹

影片概述 . . . . . .

It is hard to live as a gay man and harder to live as a gay and HIV+ man because you have no role model to learn from and have to make your own way.
There will always be discrimination in the world but it is important for us to know why we come out and stand here. If we wait for society to change by itself and wait for our families and friends to get ready before we come out, it will never happen.
“Come Out, Tell the Truth, Play the Game.” - Martina Navratilova

导演阐述 . . . . . .

我们想说一个故事,可是这个故事的长度,就和人的一生一样长。片中的故事说完了,生命仍在行进,情节的推演在片外、在未来,因着时间、场域、地点、社会环境、你和我而改变。这部片关于一个人的生活,「它」是创作,也是抗争。The filmmakers say, "We want to tell a story, but it's as long as life. When the story in the film is told, the life story goes on, develops and transforms outside the camera. The matters inside the scenes deduce in our daily lives and our future, it interacts with time, location, place, social environment, and audiences like you and me. This film is about the life of an individual. It is a creation as well as a combat."

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