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FANHALL ID: if01899
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片名: Repulsion
其它片名: 冷血惊魂
导演: Roman Polanski
编剧: Roman Polanski, Gérard Brach, David Stone
制片人: Gene Gutowski, Michael Klinger, Robert Sterne, Tony Tenser, Sam Waynberg
摄影: Gilbert Taylor
美术: Seamus Flannery
声音: Ted Sturgis
剪辑: Alastair McIntyre
主演: Catherine Deneuve, Ian Hendry, Yvonne Furneaux, John Fraser, Patrick Wymark
音乐: Chico Hamilton
片长: 105分钟
年份: 1965年
类型: 剧情
国别: 英国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Compton Films

影片概述 . . . . . .

Disturbing, harrowing tale of one girls' (Catherine Deneuve) descent into madness.

Catherine Deneuve's performance is fantastic--she plays it just right. Quite an accomplishment considering she was only 22 at the time! Roman Polanski's direction, beautiful black and white photography and effective use of sound really helps the film. Ahead of it's time.

Some people have complained about being bored by this film...I'm assuming they're watching in on TV. It's true--the film doesn't play as well on TV. I was lucky enough to see it for the first time in a theatre and it scared me silly. On a big screen you're pulled into the girls' madness--I was jumpy for days afterwards.

On TV it just doesn't work. It's still good, but nowhere near as unsettling. So, if you're going to see it, try to see it on a big-screen TV. This film almost never plays at revival cinemas--a real shame. Probably Polanski's best film next to "Chinatown".

Was 故事描述比利时少女卡洛雷杜与姐姐一起往在伦敦,在她不苟言笑的美丽下隐藏了性混乱的意识。姐姐把已婚的情人带回公寓幽会,他们的性关系使卡洛困扰不已。当姐姐与情人外出度假时,一直在追求卡洛的英国青年到访。卡幻想他是来攻击她的,于是用烛台把青年打死,接着又用剃刀把意图侵犯她的房东杀死。波兰斯基执导的第一部英语片,探讨性压抑和精神分裂症的心理状态,手法大胆而疯狂。冷艳的法国美女凯瑟琳·德诺芙在片中有令人震惊的演出,其中有一段她走过满是手臂的窄巷的画面气氛诡异,令人毛骨悚然。

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