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FANHALL ID: if01881
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片名: Pokolenie
其它片名: 一代人
导演: Andrzej Wajda
编剧: Bohdan Czeszko
摄影: Jerzy Lipman
美术: Aleksander Ford
声音: Józef Koprowicz
剪辑: Czeslaw Raniszewski
主演: Roman Polanski, Tadeusz Lomnicki, Urszula Modrzynska, Tadeusz Janczar, Janusz Paluszkiewicz, Ryszard Kotys
音乐: Andrzej Markowski
片长: 83分钟
年份: 1955年
类型: 剧情
国别: 波兰
语言: 波兰语
制作机构: Zespól Filmowy "Kadr"

影片概述 . . . . . .

Hard not to view this film with the benefit of hindsight when - for example - the final image, of faces almost tangibly seeing the light of a new tomorrow, is apparently so straightforwardly propagandistic; scenes such as that in which the older workman talks reverently about the promise of Karl Marx now seem at best quaint. That's probably not an entirely fair prism through which to consider the film, but the theme of anti-Nazi resistance obviously becomes less stirring when one considers the limitations of what's being put forward as the alternative. Furthermore, although the movie's gritty, shadowy pace generally makes for entertaining viewing, there's a fairly consistent series of images which seem to push too hard - the heart-shaped photo slot at the fair through which we watch as she steps away from him; the Hitchcock-like fall through the well of the spiral staircase. The movie's pace and concentrated immersion in its time and place makes it engrossing, and the earnestness and deprivation are still touching, but it's surely no longer the viewing experience it once was在被德国占领的波兰,年轻一代长大了。Stach就是其中一个,他和朋友们起初只是自发地从事危险的抵抗活动,总的来说是无组织无目的。后来在一个慈祥的共产党干部的带领下,他接触到了地下组织。当看到那个勇敢美丽的青年领袖Dorota时,他就加入了进去并与Dorota坠入爱河。接着Stach就投入反抗压迫和屈辱的危险活动中,直到要对其他人的生命负责时他就变成熟了。不幸的是Dorota被逮捕,Stach悲痛欲绝。与此同时,地下抵抗组织招募了新成员,新的一代正在成长。

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