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Nel segno di Roma

FANHALL ID: if01856
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片名: Nel segno di Roma
其它片名: /Sheba and the Gladiator
导演: Michelangelo Antonioni, Guido Brignone, Riccardo Freda, Vittorio Musy Glori
编剧: Francesco Thellung, Francesco De Feo, Sergio Leone, Giuseppe Mangione
制片人: Enzo Merolle
摄影: Luciano Trasatti
美术: Mario Amari
声音: Ottavio Scotti
剪辑: Nino Baragli
主演: Anita Ekberg, Georges Marchal, Folco Lulli, Chelo Alonso, Gino Cervi
音乐: Angelo Francesco Lavagnino
片长: 98分钟
年份: 1959年
类型: 剧情
国别: 西德 意大利 南斯拉夫 法国
语言: 意大利语
制作机构: Glomer Film

影片概述 . . . . . .

I assume this isn't the easiest film for people to see. It isn't on video (to my knowledge), doesn't turn up at cinema's. In Australia it turns up occasionally on our foriegn language channel as part of their "sword & sandal" series. And my God, Anita Ekberg. Already a fan of her....um, talents. This film offers a rare view of more of her talents than before. Her outfits are very sensuous. Given the chance to meet her, I think my manhood would have shrunk away, as she is a very powerful icon, yet watched from a far, she is an Amazonian entity to adore. For serious film fans, you shouldn't feel guilty for watching this "trash", as Sergio Leone's name can be glimpsed in the writers credits!

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