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Lo sguardo di Michelangelo

FANHALL ID: if01825
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片名: Lo sguardo di Michelangelo
导演: Michelangelo Antonioni
编剧: Michelangelo Antonioni, Enrica Antonioni, Carlo Di Carlo
摄影: Maurizio Dell'Orco
声音: Alessandro Feletti
剪辑: Roberto Missiroli
主演: Michelangelo Antonioni
片长: 15分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 短片
国别: 意大利
语言: 意大利语

影片概述 . . . . . .

"Michelangelo's gaze" is a very strange and interesting little movie. it's 19 minutes long and has no story what so ever. it's just the great director Michelangelo trying to touch and connect with the great artist Michelangelo. in a mysteriously moving way, you get the feeling that this titan of modern cinema is saying goodbye to the world, goodbye to his life. as the only actor in the cast, Antonioni really gazes at himself and at the work he's done through the course of his life. and what was that work? well, as cinephiles would say, sculpting in light.

Cinema's matter is light. and photographers "sculpt in light". Antonioni sculpts the faces and other body parts of Michelangelo's big sculptures "MOSES" in a cathedral, and he is there all alone. The always "young" man in the sculpture is contrasted with Antonioni's old and rigid face, unable to move thanx to a stroke. and that's all. accompanied by wonderful cinematography that reminds us the great compositions of "L'aventurra" or "L'eclisse", this little, almost silent film, is really experimental cinema with the exception that it has a great director, a historical innovator of the art, standing behind it and in the front of the camera.

But after all, this movie will be regarded the most by Antonioni's fans and other film and art buffs. personally, I recommend it to everyone who can appreciate beauty at it's purest form.

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