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FANHALL ID: if01814
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片名: 山之上
其它片名: /Up the Mountain
导演: 黄儒香
摄影: 黄儒香
剪辑: 黄儒香
片长: 85分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
制作机构: 黄儒香电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .

50岁的老朱离婚后在一直住在北京郊区的山里和20岁的女友小王同居,为此被教会认为是淫乱 拒绝老朱领圣餐。之后老朱举行了基督教婚礼并在城里的新家设立了一个查经小组,小组成员也逐渐增加。由于对信仰的不同认识,老朱不断和小组成员发生冲突,从城里吵到山上......人渐渐变少......教会的原所在宾馆被停止租给,教会也被迫流动在餐馆,洗浴中心.......最后这间教会消失了。成员也就散落在各处……

After his divorce, 50-year-old Laozhu had been living in the mountains of Beijing suburb with his girlfriend Xiaowang. For this, the Beijing Zhongyuan family church regarded it as adultery and refused to issue him the Holy Communion. Then, Laozhu had a Christian wedding ceremony and began to host a Bible-reading group at his home in the city. In the beginning, the members increased gradually, but due to different understandings of the belief, Laozhu conflicted with them continuously, from in the city to up the mountain. This led to the decrease of the member-number. As the lease expired, the church was forced to move around in restaurants and bathing centers… In the end, the church disappeared and the members scattered everywhere…
In his early 30’s, Loazhu resigned from his former job in Chinese Civil Bureau. He ran restaurants, bookstores and went into publishing after his marriage with Xiaowang. However, his career was unsmooth as before and ran out of money……In 2008, Laozhu and Xiaowang had a son which made him much delighted……
Laozhu and his ex-wife’s daughter was in her adolescence, and due to long time of departing, it was hard for them to communicate. So, Laozhu often took her up the mountain to teach her……
10 years ago, he was the only urban dweller in the mountains. Now, the farmers sold their houses to more people from the city. The neighbor court yard was used to be deserted and now became a luxurious large house of an urban citizen. With its expanding, it encroached on Loazhu’s yard and in which they cut down the trees. In the end, Laozhu decided to leave the mountains after the conflict with the neighbor.

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