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FANHALL ID: if01812
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片名: 苍蝇
导演: 章明
编剧: 章明
制片人: 章明
摄影: 章明
声音: 章明
剪辑: 章明
片长: 37分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
制作机构: 派派电影制作

影片概述 . . . . . .


导演阐述 . . . . . .



Director’s Statement:
The Director of the Documentary series "They say" :
In order to write or make something, I started to interview some people over the age of 50 years old from August last year. Until early November, I visited several friends or acquaintances of the past. Some people I hadn't seen for nearly two decades. I found that so many past memories appeared again during the interview. Nowdays, we almost never touch those memories of such pain, loss, or even change our destiny, but they disappear, unknowing, from our life..

The majority of people seem on the surface willing to recall happy things. People may be instinctively reluctant to recall the suffering. Even if they have to mention the terrible past, all they do is laugh bitterly and give a brief description. No one expects unpleasant thing will happen again, even in the imagination. Just as in Pushkin's poem, "all the suffering will be over eventually, and the past will become a good memory ... " Of course, it was said, "forgetting the past implies betrayal." But there are some exceptions. Some people always claimed seriously we should never forget the hardships. I wonder about the significance to forget or to remember the past. The film in essence gives the illusion of recording the reality forever. However, in a movie, even a documentary, they would not be used to confirm the nature of the film, but to deliver the message of hope and warm. So many contradictions haunted my mind when I thought about this. Maybe a documentary or film is the beginning of searching for the answer. Regardless of the outcome, it will be a new action.

The film has three finished oral interviews. At the same time, the film is divided into three separate chapters.
1. Chen Ping. The mid-seventies, twenty-years-old. He was arrested and at for the leader of counterrevolutionary clique, because he talked with friends about literature and politics. After the changes in domestic politics, he was released after two years imprisonment. But this affected his whole life.
2. Liu Peipei. The early eighties during the study at the university. He negotiated with his school for the right to painting naked body in classroom. Then he organized the "open-air art exhibition" which was forbidden by his school.
3. Wang Kang. A peer of the New China. Over sixty years, he witnessed the growth of new China, all the political movements as well as the long darkness and poverty. He said that was his destiny.
At present, the editing on the section of the Wang Kang part is complete. Considering its complexity, I made it a separate chapter, named "60."
Liu Peipei part, but also a separate chapter, named "flies."
Chen Ping part, has not yet been completed.

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