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片名: Pianista
其它片名: /The Pianist
导演: Roman Polanski
编剧: Wladyslaw Szpilman, Ronald Harwood
制片人: Alain Sarde, Roman Polanski, Robert Benmussa, Timothy Burrill, Daniel Champagnon, Gene Gutowski, Henning Molfenter, Lew Rywin, Rainer Schaper
摄影: Pawel Edelman
美术: Sebastian T. Krawinkel, Nenad Pecur
声音: Nicolas Becker
剪辑: Hervé de Luze
主演: Adrien Brody, Thomas Kretschmann, Frank Finlay, Emilia Fox
音乐: Wojciech Kilar
片长: 150分钟
年份: 2002年
国别: 法国 德国 英国 波兰
语言: 英语 德语 俄罗斯语
制作机构: R.P. Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .

The Pianist tells the story of such a man in war time Poland, played by Adrien Brody, who from start to finish sees his life literally getting worse and worse and worse- starts off with new rules from the Nazis, then the stars on the arms, followed by the Warsaw ghetto, and while there he could play in the restaurant, that too soon ended, as the trains arrived and took his family and anyone else he knew away. During this he narrowly escapes, and from then on the film in a sense almost becomes not exactly a holocaust film, but more like a cross of that as the element and the basic structure of something a-la in Cast Away: this includes stretches of scenes showing Brody simply trying to keep out of view of the Germans, either in a small apartment provided by helpful Polish Christians/Jewish resistance, or as a scavenger in the abandoned sections of the ghetto, all while feeling the old rhythm of the piano in his head and fingertips.

This is the kind of magnificent filmmaking that shows a director not only being as true to the story given to him (that of Painist Szpilman, based on his autobiography) but to his past as well- Roman Polanksi faced similar conditions as a boy in the early 40's, and has found the best line to show, never crossed or mis-stepped, in representing the characters and the period. There aren't any hints of tightened suspense, no clues as to where the film could veer to, it just is. The big difference to be seen between a film like this and Schindler's List is not just in the people and situations (Schindler's List was a film about two people, Schindler and Goeth, in the foreground while the Pianist is a total first person tale), yet also in the filmmaking qualities being here surely European. And while the accents on the Polish-Jewish actors sounds a bit too British, that is quite forgivable considering the scope of the project (thank heavens he didn't put in English speaking Germans).

In conclusion, Brody turns in a superb performance, and this indeed is in with Polanski's best, a deserved of 2002's Palme D'Or. Great music too. A+




  童年从纳粹的追捕下逃生的经历是波兰斯基人生中最重要的一部分,在很大程度上塑造了他的整个价值观念。但是长期以来他一直逃避着这段不堪回首的记忆,他曾经拒绝了《辛德勒的名单》,因为他认为影片的题材和他的经历过于接近。而十年后波兰斯基终于有了勇气直面那段痛苦的往事并将其通过自己的电影创作表达出来。“这是我创作生涯中最重要的作品。情感上,它不能与我过去的任何作品相比较,因为它把我带回了那个我仍然铭记的时代。” 钢琴家二战期间颠沛流离的生活映射出了他本人的成长体验,可以肯定的说这部电影融入了他个人的感悟。
   影片根据波兰钢琴家瓦拉迪斯罗·斯皮曼(Wladyslaw Szpilman)的自传体小说改编。斯皮曼生于1911年,从小就显露出钢琴天赋,几年后被保送到柏林深造,1933年他的第一场个人演奏会在欧洲音乐界得到高度评价。回国后成为波兰最年轻的钢琴家之一。1939年,德国入侵波兰,作为犹太人,斯皮曼的生命受到严重威胁。他的父母、亲戚相继被送到集中营。他被迫开始逃亡的生活,在朋友的帮助下四处躲避,等待救援,死亡的阴影时刻相伴。直到一位热爱音乐的德国军官被他的钢琴曲打动,决定冒险保护年轻的音乐家。在他的庇护下,斯皮曼苦撑到二战结束。他将这段经历写成小说《死亡的城市》,于1946年出版。但由于书中描写了波兰犹太人对当时苏联的不信任,遭到苏联查禁。直到90年代,这本书才得以重见天日,改名为《钢琴家》在美国重新发行,一举登上了《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。

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勃然大虎影碟 看过
评分: 10分 年月:2006.01

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