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In the Shadow of the Moon

FANHALL ID: if00176
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片名: In the Shadow of the Moon
其它片名: 月之阴影
导演: David Sington
制片人: Christopher Riley, Sarah Kinsella, Julie Goldman, Duncan Copp, John Battsek, Simon Andreae
摄影: Clive North
剪辑: David Fairhead
主演: Jim Lovell, Eugene Cernan, Michael Collins, Sam Rayburn, Queen Elizabeth II, Lyndon Johnson, John Young, Dave Scott, Harrison Schmitt, Edgar D. Mitchell, John F. Kennedy, Charles Duke, Alan Bean, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin
音乐: Philip Sheppard
片长: 100分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录
国别: 英国/美国
语言: 英语/法语/日语
制作机构: FilmFour, Passion Pictures, Discovery Films

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获得奖项 . . . . . .

Boulder International Film Festival
2007 Won Grand Prize

British Independent Film Awards
2007 Nominated British Independent Film Award Best British Documentary

Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards
2008 Nominated Critics Choice Award Best Documentary

Florida Film Festival
2007 Won Audience Award International Competition

Golden Trailer Awards
2008 Nominated Golden Trailer Best Documentary
Best Documentary Poster
For the teaser.

Online Film Critics Society Awards
2008 Nominated OFCS Award Best Documentary

Sundance Film Festival
2007 Won Audience Award World Cinema - Documentary
Nominated Grand Jury Prize World Cinema -
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