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Herring fishing

FANHALL ID: if01752
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片名: Herring fishing
其它片名: 捕捞青鱼
导演: Henri Storck
片长: 15分钟
年份: 1930年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 比利时
格式: 35毫米/黑白/默片
制作机构: Shipping administration.

影片概述 . . . . . .

After Images d'Ostend, Une pêche au hareng is the second of Henri
Storck's founding films. The first opened the way for the avant-garde,
and the lyrical and abstract aspects of a subject that can be
established by a use of image and montage that is both rigorous and
sensitive, one could even say poetic, if one takes the word in its
strictest sense. In the second, the North Sea is still present but is
observed with the eye of a documentary maker, which is the second path
followed by the filmmaker. To watch men at work, capture their
gestures, enter into the cycle of production, show the machines and the
tools, to create a sort of anthropology of manual work became one of
the themes of Henri Storck's films. Une pêche au hareng is a silent
film interspersed with informative title cards that precede and explain
the action and situations. A ship leaves the port of Ostend, the nets
are cast, but when it enters French territorial waters it is inspected
by the coast guards. This miniature naval battle, an incident provoked
by the filming, ends without problems for the filmmaker. The images and
shots play on proximity, bringing together the fishermen's faces, the
ropes, the sea, the flash of the fish, and the baskets full of the
sea’s bounty.


"The particularity of Une pêche au hareng is that it has taken on an
historic character. This short film can be compared to Drifters, the
only film made by John Grierson – ideologist or prophet or moving force
behind the documentary movement in Great Britain. The film was made at
about the same time and on an identical subject, apart from the
difference in latitude."
《捕捞青鱼》的特色在于它的历史意义。这部短片可以与John Gierson拍摄的唯一一部影片《漂网渔船》(Drifters)进行比较。这个思想家及预言家是英国历史上纪录片运动背后的重要推手。两部影片于同时期拍摄,同样的主题,唯一的区别在于拍摄海域不同。”

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